CB, CE and CV - These are point-and-shoot edit macros that invoke ISPF Browse, Edit or View respectively against the indicated dataset name within your edited JCL member.
Report Archival System - RAS uses the JES2 OFFLOAD facility to periodically offload reports to a GDG tape, then reads the tape and maintains a KSDS directory of its contents. ISPF dialogs permit the selection of a desired entry for restore a report to the queue. RAS includes a weekly merge cycle that provides the ability to specify retention criteria based on a masked jobname. You may delete reports after a single day or retain them permanently.
Console Commander - This facility issues console commands from a batch step via a SYSIN file.
Compare Pro - CA-Panvalet’s PCOMPARE utility only processes a single member. This utility enables you to invoke PCOMPARE against a list of members.
DSN Enqueued - Tests whether each listed dataset is currently in use (enqueued) by another task. The generated report shows the enqueue status and attributes (Owned or Shared).
Match/Merge - A very easy to use “match/merge” utility. Simply specify two input sequential files and the position/length of their respective “key” fields. Match/Merge produces output files that show that records are present on both files, or only just one.
Security Tester for Current User - Use this facility to validate your read, update or create access to datasets or other secured resources before actually attempting direct access. Answer the question “Do I have update access to this production load library?” without actually attempting the access.
Security Tester for Specified User - Use this facility to validate read, update or create access for any specified user to datasets or other secured resources. Answer the question “Does John Doe have update access to this production load library?”.
TCANCEL - Cancel all active TSO users. Use this in a process that needs exclusive use of TSO dataset or in preparation for an IPL.
TJR - Tests if a specific job is running. TJR posts a high return code if not running.