Data Center Management Systems
The Expert JCL Manager - JED |
The Future of Automated JCL Management
JED Highlights:(Partial list)
The JED Process
Operating Environments Supported
JED Features and Functions
JED Generated Error Messages
JED is a fully automated JCL management solution for today's z/OS data centers providing JCL validation, standards enforcement, reformatting, and syntax checking. JCL maintenance, conversions and tuning are now possible --- automatically! Robust, yet simple to use, JED provides a flexible, automated way to address the labor-intensive tasks associated with the JCL change lifecycle. JED significantly improves operations and production control environments, resulting in improved SLAs.
JED has been designed from the ground up to be JCL-intelligent. Management and control of JCL components in the change lifecycle can be fully automated with the DCMS CCS (Change Control System) product or other automated code deployment tools. Used this way within the JCL change lifecycle or as a stand-alone tool, JED simplifies JCL management, resulting in improved productivity for the entire Information Systems department, including Applications Programming, Operations, Production Control and Systems Programming. When customization is desired, it is not necessary to learn a new programming language or understand the coding and setup of unfamiliar control card formats. JED provides its benefits using an intuitive, high-level user interface.
- Complete JCL validation of basic syntax, required parameters and site standards
- Customized JCL validation rules
- One-time analysis and mass conversions
- Easily and accurately maintain JCL for execution in multiple environments
- JED Remote Server Facility validates JCL for execution on a different LPAR/Image than the one on which the JCL resides
- Validate SMS classes and requirements
- Intelligent online Library Search Facility concurrently searches multiple libraries for combinations of JCL statements containing values that match JCL-specific search criteria
- Validates logical execution processing (EXEC-COND, IF/THEN/ELSE), providing Return-Code simulation by jobstep
- Validates the execution PARM and SYSIN control statements for all standard IBM utilities
- Enforces dataset naming standards
- Reformats JCL members, procs and statements to site standards for keyword order and alignment
- Provides reformatting options by statement type
- Optionally re-sequences jobstep names
- Optionally reformats of instream IDCAMS SYSIN statements
- Scheduler Interface - enables automated scheduler users to verify how their scheduler will resolve its variables and/or conditional statements within a jobstream at execution time.
- Single pass processing --- one invocation of JED validates and re-formats JCL
- Maintaining JCL for multiple environments
- Management of vendor-supplied JCL
- Data center consolidations
- Production-to-test JCL conversion for application testing
- Test-to-production JCL conversion
- Critical path validation at hot site
- Convert in-stream control statements to PDS members
- Conversion or enforcement of SMS rules
- Optimize blocking characteristics
- Logical processing validation
- Standards enforcement based on application name or environment
- JED can be used in 3 ways:
- Interactively - As an edit macro during an ISPF Edit session. Any error message are shown interspersed within the displayed JCL lines.
- Foreground – Within an ISPF application. JED provides an intuitive interface for virtually instant results.
- Background - As a batch job to process larger quantities
of JCL
- JED can be interfaced with your automated job scheduler, code deployment product, security and tape management software.
- All product features, functions and interfaces can be tailored by the JED administrator. Most common JCL validation and conversion tasks are already automated and can be activated by toggling an option presented on an online screen. Over 300 options are available.
z/OS, JES2, JES3
- Verifies JCL syntax
- Finds invalid unit names
- Finds invalid volume names
- Finds missing datasets
- Finds missing programs
- Finds duplicate symbol names
- Finds missing PARMLIB (PDS) members
- Validates IDCAMS statements
- Validates IKJEFTxx SYSTSIN DB2 control statement syntax
- Validates IEHPROGM
and other standard IBM utility statements
- Shows the source of PROCs and INCLUDEs and expands to show contents
- Enforces standards
- Reformats JCL to user specifications
- Executes as an edit macro
- Executes within batch job
- ISPF interface processes a list of JCL members
- Installs in minutes
- Can be used to front-end the SUBMIT command
- Provides a sophisticated and easy to use search and replace tool
- Communicates with JED server to validate JCL for execution on another LPAR/Image
- System provides for set of default options
- System provides for multiple sets of customized options (option profiles)
- Administrator can create an unlimited number of profiles useable by everyone
- Administrator can assign profiles to users or groups of users as their default
- System table can provide automatic selection of option profile based on jobname
- Users can create and retain multiple user profiles
- Each user can maintain a personal list of option profiles
- Options can be overridden via special embedded JCL comments
- Supports all JCL statements
- Supports all levels of z/OS
- Verifies JES2 statement syntax
- Verifies JES3 statement syntax
- Detects incorrectly specified JCL
- Detects missing or invalid keywords or parameters
- Detects mutually exclusive keyword specifications
- Performs symbolic substitution
- Expands PROCS and INCLUDE groups
- Validates and reformats JCL member during edit session
- Shows error/warning messages embedded within edited member
- Expands and shows JCL within PROCS
- Expands and shows JCL within INCLUDE groups
- Expands and shows PARMLIB (PDS) members --- can be limited to first ‘x’ lines
- Uses labels to make it easier to locate messages in long members
- “Flower box” provides error summary, total number of messages of each severity
- Optionally submits JCL based on specified error message severity levels
- Optionally shows edit macro command syntax in pop-up window
- Optionally invokes browse on generated reports
- Optionally reformats edited JCL, replacing existing member
- Optionally validates reformatted JCL
- Validates IDCAMS statements
- PF key expands error message help in pop-up window
- Permits selection of Admin or User option profiles
- Permits specification of step return codes to validate conditional (IF/COND) constructs
- Single function provides validation and reformatting
- Provides interactive (foreground) or (background) execution
- Provides online help tutorial
- Generates selected reports
- Permits foreground-generated reports to be browsed interactively
- Redirect reports to printer or dataset
- Permits access to Search/Update facility
- Input dataset can be PDS, CA-Panvalet, CA-Librarian or sequential file
- From member selection list, line command checks member immediately
- From selection list, line command selects member processed at END
- From selection list, line command browses member
- From selection list, line command edits member
- From selection list, line command submits after validation
- For batch execution, user may specify JOB statement values
- Processing options are retained for next use
- Provides for selection of Admin or User option profiles
- Provides the ability to submit batch processing on another LPAR (CPU)
- Permits optionsal override of PROCLIB concatenation
- Include/Exclude members by specified name
- Include/Exclude multiple members separated by commas
- Include/Exclude members by range of names (from-to)
- Include/Exclude members generically with wildcards (ABC*) (A*C)
- Include/Exclude members based on last-changed date
- Leave member blank to receive library member list
- Multiple members may be selected from the list
- From selection list, order column can be used to select processing sequence
- Reads members from PDS, CA-Panvalet, CA-Librarian or sequential file
- PARM specifies Admin or User option profile
- Permits use of file to override default or selected profile options
- Optionally copies original member to new PDS
- Provides integrated Scan/Replace facility
- Include members by specified name
- Include members by range of names (from-to)
- Include member names equal, less than, greater than a value
- Include members generically with wildcards
- Include members based on last changed date
- Exclude members by specified name
- Exclude members by range of names (from-to)
- Exclude member names equal, less than, greater than a value
- Exclude members generically with wildcards
- Exclude members based on last changed date
- Specify more than one library whose members are to be processed in a single run
- Performs validation and reformatting in single pass
- Provides ability to simulate JCL reformatting
- Optionally stores reformatted member to PDS, CA-Panvalet or CA-Librarian or a sequential file
- Optionally generates update control statements for output to CA-Panvalet and CA-Librarian
- Formatting options can be specified for each statement type
- Specify formatting options for DD, EXEC,JOB,PROC,OUTPUT
- Specify formatting options for ENDIF, INCLUDE, JCLLIB, PEND, SET
- Specify formatting options for JES2 statements
- Specify formatting options for JES3 statements
- Choose the statement types that are NOT to be reformatted
- Specify starting position of
JCL statement type
- Specify starting position of first JCL statement keyword
- Specify number of parameters per JCL record
- Specify column threshold to continue next parameter
- Specify starting continuation column
- Specify order of first JCL keywords
- Reorder JCL statement keywords alphabetically
- Specify starting position of JCL statement comment field
- Choose to remove inline comments
- Choose to retain original sequence of inline comments
- Choose to keep inline comment with first keyword on line
- Convert inline comment as JCL comment statement before/after to current statement
- Choose to left-justify inline comments to specified column
- Choose to right-justify inline comments to specified column
- Provides ability to remove all blank comments (//*)
- Provides ability to 'flower-box' JCL comments
- Specify comment 'flower-box' characters
- Provides ability to left-justify or right-justify JCL comment to specified column
- Specify placement of embedded JCL comment statements
- Maintain 'x' blank comment statements prior to each EXEC
- Provides renumbering of statement line numbers
- Specify starting statement line number
- Specify statement line renumbering increment
- Report: Lists the original JCL contained in the member being processed
- Report: Lists the JCL with PROC's expanded, symbolics resolved, and any error messages
- Report: Summarize all error messages generated
- Report: Lists the reformatted JCL
- Report: Shows the processing options used
- Report: Shows IDCAMS, utility and DB2 simulations
- Report: Shows dataset usage cross-reference
- Report: Shows program usage cross-reference
- Report: Shows procedure usage cross-reference
- Report: Shows statistical summary with counts of: lines, jobs, PROC's, steps, DD's
- Report: Shows "Tape Pull List" from jobs being checked
- Options sets minimum message severity to be shown
- Each report is optionally generated
- Uses unique DDNAME for each generated report
- Supports 5 severity levels – Informational, Warning, Alert, Environmental and Fatal
- Most severe message severity determines batch return code when processing a list of jobs
- Each internally-generated message is prefixed with a unique message identifier
- Globally override or suppress messages using the unique message identifier
- The severity of any message can be overridden – upgrade or downgrade the severity
- The text of any message can be overridden to your own phrasing
- Any message can be suppressed so it no longer appears
- Override or suppress message for single JOB with an embedded JCL comment
- Uses RACROUTE to
check JOB's access to datasets
- RACROUTE tests JOB's USER= value as owner
- RACROUTE tests JOB's owner in JOBUSER table
- RACROUTE tests user’s authority to read JOB’s load and PARM libraries
- Validates JOB's access authorization to user catalog
- Prohibits jobs from updating the master catalog by validation of dataset aliases
- Manages temporary datasets for step restartability
- Enforces use of OS catalog
- Renumbers jobsteps and associated references
- Choose from a variety of step renumbering styles
- Enforces specified JOBLIB concatenation
- Verifies if OLD/SHR existing datasets are cataloged
- Verifies if DISP=NEW datasets are already cataloged
- Verifies referenced GDG bases are defined
- Verifies if a referenced PDS member exists
- Verifies all executed programs exist in STEPLIB/JOBLIB/LPALIB/LNKLST
- Shows the library containing executed programs
- Validates contiguous labels on multi-file tape volumes
- Validates proper use of RETAIN on multi-file tape volumes
- Validates referenced VOLSER's against mounted disk volumes
- Verifies that DISP=NEW GDG generations specify model DCB
- Verifies that the specified model DCB dataset exists
- Utility table (and DCMS XREF) defines required files for
- Warns when a required DD statement is missing
- Warns when unused DD statement is encountered
- Warns when duplicate DD statement encountered in step
- Validates logical use of datasets
- Validates logical dataset usage across list of jobs
- Validates site-defined dataset naming standards
- Validates site-defined JOB naming standards
- Finds duplicate DDNAMES
- Detects invalid concatenations
- Detects incompatible DCB parameters
- Detects LIKE dataset not found
- Supports multiple PROCLIB concatenations
- Supports automatic selection of PROCLIB based on JOBPARM PROCLIB
- Supports automatic selection of PROCLIB based on JES2PARM JOBCLASS
- Automatically captures and uses JES2 PROCLIB concatenations
- Automatically switches between PROCLIB concatenations when processing a list of jobs
- Validates DEST value against list of values
- Validates FCB value against list of values
- Validates SYSOUT/OUTPUT forms against list of values
- Validates JOB CLASS against list of values
- Validates the JOB MSGCLASS against a list of values
- Validates UNIT against a list of values
- Validates each report SYSOUT class against a list of values
- Validates dump SYSOUT class against list of values
- Validates a referenced PDS library against a list of acceptable libraries
- Require BLKSIZE coded for DISP=NEW file
- Show error when RLSE missing on DISP=NEW disk dataset
- Require RETPD or EXPDT=99000 coded for DISP=NEW tape GDG
- Prohibit the use of instream data not following 'DD *' or 'DD DATA'
- Prohibit multiple JOB statements within a single member
- Prohibit the use of instream procedures
- Verifies each defined instream procedure is executed
- Verifies BLKSIZE is even multiple of LRECL when RECFM=FB
- Verifies 'EXEC PGM' statements contain COND keyword
- Verifies each JOB statement contains COND keyword
- Verifies that the JOB name matches the member name
- When JOB CLASS missing or invalid, sets to default value
- When JOB MSGCLASS missing or invalid, sets to default value
- When report SYSOUT class missing or invalid, sets to default value
- When dump SYSOUT class invalid, sets to default value
- When report SYSOUT form missing or invalid, sets to default value
- When FCB missing or invalid, sets to default value
- When model DCB missing or invalid, sets to default value
- When UNIT value invalid, sets to default value
- When EXEC REGION less than default, removes parameter
- When JOB REGION less than default, removes parameter
- Sets BLKSIZE to optimum value for device
- Adds RLSE parameter to SPACE keyword for NEW disk datasets
- Adjusts secondary SPACE allocation to at least 10% of primary
- Removes SPACE CONTIG parameter
- Expands DISP parameters to show defaults
- Expands JOB 'programmer name' field to maximum length
- Expands EXEC to show PROC= default
- Removes DCB parameters on existing datasets for standard utilities
- Removes secondary duplicate DD statements
- Removes any EXPDT except EXPDT=98000
- Removes any JOBCAT statements
- Removes any STEPCAT statements
- Removes JOB account field
- Removes JES2 PROCLIB statement and PROCLIB DD statements
- Removes any unwanted JOB statement parameters
- Simulates CA-7 handling of #JI, #JO, #XI, #XO and #JEND statements
- Simulates CA-7 # control selection to validate each unique SCHID in JOB
- Forecasts CA-7 jobs to be run, input to validation
- Forecasts IBM TWS jobs to be run, input to validation
- Interfaces to CONTROL-M to resolve scheduler symbolics
- Simulates interface to IBM TWS scheduler to resolve
- Simulates interface to CA JOBTRAC to resolve scheduler symbolics
- Simulates interface to ASG Zeke to resolve scheduler symbolics
- Simulates interface to CA ESP to resolve scheduler symbolics
- Interfaces with CA-1 (TMS) to validate tape datasets
- Interfaces with IBM RMM to validate tape datasets
- Interfaces to DCMS/CCS to provide automatic option profile selection
- Verifies all executed programs are defined to DCMS/CCS
- Verifies all executed procedures are defined to DCMS/CCS
- Verifies all referenced VSAM files are defined to DCMS/CCS
- Uses DCMS/XREF to determine if violations to dataset naming standards are already in use
- Interfaces with DCMS/XREF to determine a program's optional and required DD's
- Implements CA-11 in each JOB
- Converts JCL to use DCMS/RAS for offloading a backup copy of reports
- Validates DB2 library name exists
- Validates DB2 program exists
- Validates DB2 subsystem name
- Used when validating JCL from an LPAR/image other than where it will run and DASD isn’t shared with that environment
- Typically used at sites with separated production and test SYSPLEX’s
- JEDSERV runs a continuous started task on the remote LPAR (typically production)
- JED users (on test) communicate with JEDSERV through a VTAM connection
- Permits validation of executed programs and PDS members, inspecting libraries on the remote site
- Permits syntax check to occur remotely, using the JCL’s procedure and include libraries of the runtime environment
- All other ‘environmental’ JED validations occur through JEDSERV
- Enable dynamic use of JES2 procedure libraries based of system definitions
- Specify number of control (PDS) statement lines to be listed within expanded JCL report
- Includes facility for simulating jobstep return codes to test COND keywords and IF/THEN/ELSE/ENDIF constructs
- Interfaces to SMS to validate JCL’s DATACLAS, MGMTCLAS and STORCLAS values
- Provides programming interface using standard language (COBOL, assembler, etc.)
- Permits use of IF-THEN-ELSE language to extend syntax validation rules
- Inspect, add, delete or modify and JCL field on any JCL or instream data statement
- Insert or delete entire statements or entire steps
- Add to or delete
from library concatenations
- Edit, verify, correct and reformat in one pass
- JCL statements are provided in parsed format to user program
- Each JCL value is uniquely identified with variable name
- Issue error/warning messages
- Very easy to use
- Exit point before open of dynamically allocated dataset (PARMLIB,PGMLIB)
- Exit point to interface with tape management system to verify tape datasets
- Exit point to modify JCL statements before they are processed
- Exit points to set values for CONTROL-M, ZEKE and JOBTRAC variables
- Exit point to permit modification or suppression of messages
- Exit point after JCL statement is read
- Exit point before non-JCL statement is written
- Exit point before termination
- Exits can be loaded from non-authorized library even when running APF-authorized
- "IEFC" messages. JED utilizes the OS JCL Converter
component of z/OS to perform a portion of the syntax check of the JCL. JED detects all JCL syntax errors that z/OS detects.
- "IDC" messages. JED uses a simulation option of IDCAMS to verify IDCAMS SYSIN data,
so some messages are generated by IDCAMS.
- "JED" messages JED generates hundreds of messages internally as issues are encountered. JED Sample Messages